Rice Rice Rice
~Blog Post #3~
April 20, 2015
By Bella Porter
When you think of any Chinese dish rice is a very common favorite. It is a great source of protein and also is very yummy. China has the biggest crop production over anywhere else and it makes up a little less then half of their total grain output. The early rice crop grows primarily in provinces along the Yangtze River and in provinces in the south; it is planted in February to April and harvested in June and July and contributes about 34 percent to total rice output. The rice is usually grown in a wetland field and it takes a lot of labor to harvest. The income of rice has risen throughout the years and continues to grow. Rice is served in many different ways including white rice, brown rice, fried rice, and is commonly used as a side dish to many meals.
Other important ingredients used in China would be chili sauce, soy sauce, black beans, and ginger. Chili sauce is a very commonly liked ingredient used to add spice and zing to many dishes. Soy sauce has more of a sweeter taste and commonly used in dishes like stir fry. Black beans are a great source of protein and fiber that always have a dominant flavor to meals. Ginger adds a kick of heat, but also is used to marinate and tenderness meat. These are just some of the amazing tastes China has to offer and all the amazing meals made everyday.
I did not know that China had the biggest crop production over anywhere else. I liked how they use the rice in many different ways, and in foods. I've never had chili sauce before but maybe one day I will have to try it! All of the food does sound amazing to try!